Company Profile

Corrosion and metal loss occurs in buried, marine, offshore and reinforced concrete environments as a result of electrochemical reactions of steel with water.

Cathodic protection (CP) is the only guaranteed method by which this corrosion can be stopped. If properly designed and operated it can be 100% effective.

Cathodic protection can be applied to new constructions to stop corrosion occurring in the first place. It is extensively and successfully applied to existing structures to control the corrosion.

ARK Corrosion Services is able to help you protect profits by controlling the effects of corrosion on your facilities.

  ARK Corrosion Services has extensive experience in corrosion protection in a wide range of industries (Marine, Offshore, Petrochemical, Gas, Pipelines, Transit systems, Construction, Ports and Harbours, Shipping and General Industry). It offers practical specialist services for cathodic protection designs, audits, reviews and performance assessments.

ARK Corrosion Services is a totally independent consultancy and as such is able to ensure that client best interests are represented at all stages of the design, procurement, installation and operation of Cathodic Protection Systems.

How you can protect and enhance your profits:

  • Reduce direct and indirect costs (operational and maintenance)
  • Avoid or minimise disruptive downtime/failures
  • Improve infrastructure lifespan, reliability and efficiency
  • Maintain safety

Effective Corrosion Control can achieve these benefits.